AMCIS – The Americas Conference on information systems in Cancún

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The Schöller Endowed Chair was represented with three contributions at the Americas Conference on information systems (AMCIS). For the 25th anniversary, the conference was held under the motto “New Frontiers in Digital Convergence” and offered international business informatics researchers a platform to discuss current results at the interface between man and technology.

This year, the conference took place in Cancún, Mexico. Prof. Laumer and his team were able to discuss the results of their current research.

In the article “Use cases for conversational agents: An interview-based study” Prof. Laumer examines the adaptation of chatbots in private and business environments and identifies different use cases for the use of chatbots. The paper was produced in cooperation with Christan Maier as part of a project with master students from Nuremberg and Bamberg.

In the second article, “Setting the hook – The digital transformation from a manufacturing point of view and what it really means”, Quirin Dehmlehner presented his Literature Review on digitisation in the manufacturing sector. The introduced framework divides 30 different technologies in this area into eleven different clusters and makes it easier for scientists and practitioners to locate the content in this area.

Jessica Ochmann then presented her contribution on “The power of knowledge: A literature review on socio-technical perspectives on organizational knowledge management”, in which she discussed current social (e.g. Sharing Economy) and technological developments (e.g. Artificial Intelligence) and their impact on organizational knowledge management.

In addition, Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer was mini track chair for the mini track “Acceptance of and Resistance to Cryptocurrencies”. Together with Jens Mattke and Christian Maier of the University of Bamberg, he organized the review process for contributions in this innovative field.